Monday, November 10, 2008

Backing Up

I handed out candy with my next door neighbor Amy on Halloween. Bill was present on skype. All the trick or treaters loved talking to him and seeing him on the computer. It was pretty fun. Some friends here in Abilene threw a baby shower for us, which was great. We are so glad and thankful to have a good stock already of baby supplies and cute outfits. It was fun being with family and friends.

We were disappointed with the election results, but will continue to do our part as citizens, while trusting in God.

This weekend was I went to Scott and Amber Bryson's wedding reception. It was very sweet seeing the smitten couple. I also got to visit with a lot of friends I hadn't seen in a long time. Its interesting seeing the different challenges and experiences people go through and how their life is effected with and without the gospel. I just know I'm grateful for the Savior being there with us all through it all, and for my great husband. Everyone needs someone to love. Its great when your relationship with them strengthens your relationship with God and the Savior.

I talked to my brother Troy a few days ago, and am happy for him because he got a new job and seems excited about it. I talked to another brother Travis and got an enjoyable review on Manifest Destiny.


Bill gets to leave Connecticut for sure by November 26th. We hope he leaves sooner. He finished the A/C portion of his coursework, cleped out of some of the electronics course work, is going to try to clep the math part of the coursework, and will only have the analog and digital parts of the course left. Please keep praying for us. We are doing research on Kings Bay and have been making some contacts in Georgia thanks to members of our church in Connecticut.
I'm attending birth classes with Mom, and reading all about the end of pregnancy, labor and being a new mom. I had an OB appointment yesterday and an ultrasound today. Both doctors said the baby and I are doing fine. Josiah weights 4lbs 10oz today!

Today at Hobby Lobby God placed us in the path of a friend I haven't seen in a long time. I'm trying my hand at knitting and crocheting and she is much more skilled in these areas. It was such a fun reunion. She's so willing to help and gave me some great tips and direction. Thanks Liz!

Thank you to: Randy, Uncle Mike, Uncle Steve, D.T., Grandpa Fortune, Pappy, Grandpa Hal, Great, Great Grandpa McDaniel, Philip, Josh for your service to our country. We apologize if we've overlooked any of our vets. Please let us know. We are proud of you all and greatful for your sacrifices and dedication.