Saturday, October 25, 2008

Emily's Favorites

Being with my husband wherever, whatever and whenever, (the rest depends on the circumstance) writing letters to my husband, horseback riding, running and working out, crocheting and scrapbooking, reading, visiting friends and family, cooking, going to the temple, dancing with Bill, swimming, playing golf, getting beat at chess by Bill, gardening, taking care of the animals, hanging out with my nephews and nieces, looking at my younger brother's portraits and other artwork, hearing my Grandad's stories and about how much he misses and loves Granny, looking at antiques with mom, writing in my journal, I really liked going to SOME of my undergrad classes and can't wait to take some grad classes, geneology, going to the temple, shooting guns, fishing, learning about animals, practicando espanol (especialmente con personas a walmart o un otra tienda), looking at old pictures of family, laughing with my family and friends and especialmente with Bill, visiting with people I just met,trying to learn the piano and violin/fiddle.
Favorite Music:"Wise Men Say" by UB40, "I'm Gonna Love you Forever", Randy Travis; The Judds, Don Williams, "I Get By", Beatles and the guy that sang it on the Wonder Years, Hymns, (ultimate favorites-Take Time to Be Holy with tune of Be Thou My Vision and Families Can Be Together Forever) Bluegrass, most George Strait songs, classical especialmente Copeland and Vivaldi, " The World I Know" by Collective Soul, "How Does It Feel" by Bob Dylan, Cheri Call, "Hurricane" by David Wilcox, "I Hope You Had the Time of Your Life" by Greenday, "Wildfire" by John Michael Montgomery, "Me and my Bobby McGee" by Janis Joplin
TV Shows:The Dog Whisperer, The Cosby Show
Movies:The Gods Must Be Crazy (I, II), Hidalgo, Jane Eyre (70s version), They Made Me a Criminal, Pursuit of Happiness
Books:Book of Mormon, Bible,Don Quiote, The Horse Doctor by Ben K Green, All Things by James Herriot, Tuesdays With Morrie, Autobiography of Fredrick Douglas, Davy Crockett an Autobiograpy, The Apostasy by Talmage (so far 4 stars)Last read: Marley and Me (2 1/2 stars)Quotations:"You all can go to Hell, I will go to Texas." by Davy Crockett,"No success in life can compensate for failure in the home" -David O'McKay"There is hope smiling brightly before us and we know that deliverance is nigh"- From the Hymn We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet"Hope"- The one word Eleanor Roosevelt wanted to leave with the nation when asked by young Frank Sinatra on tv for one word to help us get through it all. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"- Winston Churchill

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